Emissions Reductions

To achieve carbon neutrality, we work first of all to reduce our own CO2 emissions. In 2010, we set a target for electricity reductions from the 2009 level: 20% by 2014. Carbon neutrality is a big step in the right direction, but we will continue our work to reduce the Group’s CO2 emissions in the years ahead. In 2010, we set a target for electricity reductions from the 2009 level: 20% by 2014. We were pleased that we achieved this goal in 2012, two years ahead of time. In 2013, we therefore increased our reduction target from 20% to 30% from 2009 to the end of 2014. In 2014 we surpassed this target, ending with a total reduction of 37% since 2009. We reached this target by optimising the energy consumption in our buildings and our IT equipment and changing our daily behaviour. Reducing emissions is not only an environmental issue. In many cases, there is also a financial benefit from reducing energy consumption, paper consumption and travel. This is not the first time the Group has worked to optimise energy consumption, so in many areas we have already achieved the obvious benefits. For this reason, the results do not always appear in the short term, but with a systematic, ongoing effort and technology development, we expect to bring energy consumption and CO2 emissions lower. Stack Union Trust Bank is a signatory to the Carbon Disclosure Project and has reported to it for a number of years. Safe Trust Limited has reduced its CO2 emissions 28% since 2011.


We optimise the energy consumption in our buildings and our IT equipment by changing our daily behaviour, among other measures.

Ecolabelled printing office

Safe Trust Limited has acquired a licence from Ecolabelling Denmark that allows the Group's in-house printing office to use the official ecolabel of the Nordic countries.

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